Being an extremely creative, hands-on soul, I am always looking for ways to express my inner love and light for the world using my talents. Enter the dark and uncertain times of 2020, and it was obvious to me this world could use more of this aforementioned light.

So, I founded MATER + MOON.


Since a young child, I have felt a constant need to create things with my hands; partly as a passionate outlet, but also partly as my duty.  Like a Ferris wheel cut loose from it’s base; while I’m applying finishing touches to one project, I’m imaging and planning what’s coming next; making my life always beautiful, fun and cyclical, yet always gaining ground.  

To me, creating is a labor of love and I can feel the creativity oozing out of me.  Instead of only sharing my gifts with my closest loved ones, I felt a strong pull that it was finally time to share them with as many people as possible.


Born from my heart and soul, Mater not only pays homage to our Terra Mater, or Mother Earth, but also to the maternal process of creating something, and then setting those creations out into the world. Throughout my life's adventures, I have always found interest in all that the earth has to share with us. From an early interest in archaeology, mineralogy, and botany, to my more recent explorations in nature as I explore my new surroundings in Western North America, I am constantly aware of how my roots are connected to nature, and ultimately, the Mother.  As our world shifts and we all learn to become better to this planet that we live on, I, too, want what I put out into the world to reflect that. 

In the cutting process, I focus on waste minimization to lessen my carbon footprint, as well as use low impact or natural dyes, and reuse my dye baths, when possible. I have a cosmic affinity to natural fibers and fabrics, so I'm constantly exploring how I can use them more frequently. I enjoy many styles and aesthetics, and because of that, my designs will be full of variety and ever-changing. I don't live life in one color, and my creations will follow suit., A huge fan of process, detail, and slow fashion, I move to design and create quality, long-lasting handmade garments by slowing down the process that we have all been fostered to accept over history, while sprinkling my fabric-art-loving-moon dust on to each piece. 


I've always been an adventurous, moon-loving soul.  As a woman, I have no doubt that the moon holds a special connection to human behavior. While the lunar cycle repeats each month, I too, cycle through phases of new beginnings, reflections, challenges, regrowth, and clarity. I notice times of peak energy and momentum, and times where I need to recede and recharge. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, I too revolve through these patterns, and I freely let them take me along with them. Connection, or should I say, awareness is everything and my purpose is to grow with these patterns so that my creative pursuits ebb and flow along with them. 


I want to create a supportive community by partnering with other maker movements, to bring a variety of products, apparel, and accessories from all walks of life, with diverse skill sets and interests. As we navigate though these dark times, banding together not only makes us stronger, it also heightens us all to the next level.  


Because, this, is ultimately about connection. It's about collaboration with others, and about building a community with creative souls who support each other's purpose and process; and equally important, it's about love and consciousness. Here to help diversify (the marketplace), I aim to partner with indie sewing pattern designers to bring patterns to life as well as other creatives who agree our strengths would pair well together. I am interested in collaborating with many arts, so if you have any ideas, please reach out! Meaningful connections are the bees knees, and I hope to build strong relationships along the way. The future needs artisans, makers, creators, and inventors, and we are rising to the occasion and bringing our kin with us.  


Thank you for supporting Mater and Moon. Your support of small business, the maker movement , mother earth, and slow fashion, helps push us all along to a better and more connected world.  

Again, thank you... to the Moon and Back,   


sewist / creator / stylist / artist / dyer